Make your website fully responsive.
Responsive maps and videos


Clear settings

Improve your store usability in two clicks


Configure embedded videos and maps dimensions according to your needs


Simple integrations with Vimeo, Youtube and Google maps


Make content responsive on Pages, Articles, Products and any other page on your website

What people are saying about EasyResponsive


Ilia and the support team do an amazing job. We love this! Great app for shops trying to use Shopify 2.0 themes which are not natively responsive for video content....

June 17, 2022

Soooooo happy to have found your app, after hours of trying to edit code and almost screw my site simply adding this app within seconds my videos were all responsive....

Kiki and Josie
May 7, 2019

Working instantly, and very reactive support team.

Congrats ;)

Saveur Cuisine
June 19, 2018

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