Get customer’s consent using inline widget for all the quick checkout options available
Add a T&C checkbox into your cart
page or into the product page

Add T&C, Privacy Policy links and URL in one click
Popup settings
Choose labels, title and anchor settings for your popup
Define your design theme in one click
Options for dynamic checkout
Rule the alerts of your Terms&Conditions popup
This is by far the best solution for a Terms & Conditions Checkbox for Shopify. The other Shopify apps put the message on the cart which is easily bypassed with...
Excellent app. does exactly what it say. excellent and prompt support by Den.
if this the capability you need, go for it.
I LOVE IT! IT WORKS! WOOOOhoooo!!! I 3 other apps, all failed. Finally after 1 hour of crazy search for answer, i found this app! Very happy with it!
Does what it says. A bit more customisation might be helpful. Like adding images in popups. As you might not use this app only for terms and condtion pop up.
Super App und der beste Support den ich je gesehen hab! Mein Problem wurde direkt erkannt und ich konnte es sofort beheben. Einfach Klasse!
Had a little trouble at first with the pop up box. They were quick to resolve the issue and the app is working great. Just what we were looking for.