5 Reasons People Hate Your Mobile App

5 Reasons People Hate Your Mobile App
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These days m-commerce has already achieved positions making it the noteworthy aspect of any business. But the study arranged by Compuware a few years ago already showed that 79% of mobile users would try to open any app twice if any troubles occur during the first usage, and only 16% would give it another chance after two attempts. And the problematic application performance is only one of reasons why people may ignore your mobile apps, so it won’t hurt if you discover possible pitfalls beforehand.

Pushy Approaches to Follow or Like Your Service

Though it’s already easy to integrate various social media solutions into a mobile app for Shopify or other e-commerce platforms, you shouldn’t exploit this feature too often in order to promote your business. Same way, asking too often for reviews or likes won’t improve your statistics. If consumers enjoy the experience, they will manage to do that on their own by going directly to the app store instead. Such requests are adequate when users made a decision to uninstall your application or major updates are introduced, so you want to get some relevant feedback.

Intrusive Advertising Ways

Let’s be honest, nobody likes full screen ads showing you endless videos and interrupting you using the app itself. No responsiveness and difficulty to close such elements with heavy graphics will bring you nothing but disappointment. Even if your product is free and it can offer a lot to your clients, you shouldn’t indulge into this form of monetization, unless you want to lose your audience.

Poor User Interface, Heavy Battery Usage and Bugs

Wasting time on constant freezing, crashing and more than slow responsiveness? No, thanks. Mobile users won’t feel pleased due to the presence of any of such factors. According the Apigee study, they are main reasons leading to negative reviews and deleting your app. Also, think about the content viewability, it’s unacceptable to make your consumers resize or zoom in anything in order to meet this challenge. This problem is common when mobile apps are only slightly transformed copies of websites.

You have to optimize your app, that’s out of question. The GMI survey showed that 89% of users care about the long battery life the most. Many apps tend to run in the background, but, logically, they have compromise, if you want your audience to use your mobile app on regular basis.

Therefore, make sure it’s stabilized, showing great navigation and user-friendly, before reaching your market. If you’re thinking about building your Shopify mobile app, you should consider EasyMobile app to address this need at almost no costs and within minimum time. This application will leave you out of trouble when converting your web store into Shopify iOS app. Less hassle and better performance are guaranteed.

Irritating Your Audience with Too Many Notifications

Of course, it’s important to keep your customers informed, but that doesn’t give you the right to annoy them with constant smartphone buzzes. And the excessive amount of push notifications may also lead to losing the significance of your content, so next time your clients will simply ignore any special offers and swipe them. Let any Shopify iOS users have control over this part by managing delivery settings and even disabling the function. Such nuances may seem not so important, but they surely build more loyalty.

Providing Zero Value with Your App

Previous points were more about tech performance and user interface, but actually it’s the content that inspires and entertains you consumers. You have to think about unique and valuable features that potential buyers can get only within your mobile app, be those app-only articles, items, additional loyalty points or discounts. That’s exactly what was found by the Branding Brand survey in 2016, explaining how you can motivate consumers to install your app.

Such principles are universal and they can be applied to any app, be it mobile shopping on an e-commerce store designed with Shopify, weather forecast or social networking. That’s why you should keep these trends in mind when building any Android or iOS mobile app to serve the needs of your customers and make them feel engaged with your business idea.


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