Hello, Mobile Marketing Trends 2017!

Hello, Mobile Marketing Trends 2017!
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As the current m-commerce trends show, more people around the globe use their smartphones and other mobile gadgets instead of desktops. Yes, that’s the real data gathered by StatCounter in 2016. That’s why you should spend your efforts on building the efficient mobile marketing strategies to get the digital media work for your business, be that another mobile app for Shopify store or global advertising campaign. If it was a question whether you need mobile apps for acquiring larger numbers of your revenue a few years ago, now it’s more about what kind of mobile shopping environment you should offer to the audience. Keep in mind the following several points to make use of such tendencies in your own enterprise.

Instant Apps Are Already Around

It may be difficult to believe, but apps get over than 85% of total mobile usage, as was found by Forrester Research. Therefore, providing your buyers with a Shopify mobile app, as an addition to the web version of your store, is likely to bring more conversions if compared to the usage of only mobile web instead. But you should remember that only five top apps get all the attention of smartphone owners, according to the Nielsen study published in 2015. To face this challenge, Google created Instant Apps that just need a click to launch, without any app store downloads.

Deliver the Targeted Push Advertising Based on the Location

There are two main trends regarding advertising: geo targeting and push notifications. When they are combined, such a union may enhance the experiences of your potential in-store consumers and increase the loyalty towards your brand. But the personalized content is a king here, so serve it right. Marriot hotel chain allows reserving particular amenities, for example, while Starbucks lets making the order before arriving to the coffee shop. Think how you can develop this principle within your business to tailor messages corresponding to the expectations of your audience.

Offer Various Mobile Payments to Your Customers

Various social media offer this option to promote services and goods, so it won’t be so surprising to get some ads relevant to your searches in the Facebook feed and have an opportunity to get the desired with just one click. Although processing the transactions via smartphones hasn’t become too ordinary yet, many major e-commerce players consider this trend worth their attention. For instance, Shopify iOS app built with the help of EasyMobile app, covers the same functionality as their basic web-based one when it comes to payment options, as it’s expected that mobile users will build more trust towards this channel with enough security provided.

Exploit Technologies of Augmented and Virtual Realities

AR technology already gave a chance to a plethora of large companies to promote their products through its means. Moreover, it is predicted that this industry reaches $5.7B by 2021, pretty fast, isn’t it? Beauty brands used augmented reality to demonstrate the real effect of applied makeup, while others offered virtual supermarkets like the famous Coop’s store in Milan or the Chinese e-commerce food retailer Yihaodian.

Utilize Mobile Video and Live Streaming

By 2019, the video content will eat up to 80% of all internet traffic, and even now the represented numbers are equal to 69%. This behavior is more common among social media lovers, as Facebook’s data demonstrated the huge increase from one to eight billion among 500 million users who watched videos daily.

Omnichannel Marketing is at Your Service

If talk about the exact systems and platforms, you might want to try Shopify, as omnichannel marketing tool, as you can easily create the multichannel experience with fast way to go mobile and set up your Shopify iOS app besides already traditional web-based version and POS for offline. To make things get reasonably fast, check out EasyMobile, the plugin, which transforms your Shopify web store into the native iOS mobile app - minimum time and costs involved.

So don’t hesitate experimenting with more e-commerce tools and approaches to make mobile friendly marketing deliver the relevant content to your potential purchasers and extend your storefront.


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