Mobile Payment Trends 2017

Mobile Payment Trends 2017
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New mobile technologies have been becoming more accessible within the last decade, and it’s even more noticeable when you check the statistics of trends for last two years, be it holiday or regular online sales. It’s expected that the amount of mobile users will grow from 4.8B in 2015 to 5.5B by 2020, as the major networking solutions company Cisco provided in their forecast for mobile data traffic.

Why Targeting Millennials Is Important

And it’s even more relevant for millennials who are eager to try new tools and technologies during their everyday lives, if such stuff makes the overall e-commerce process smoother. And, according to Nielsen, over 85% of that generation in the US got mobile through the means of smartphones used by them approximately 45 times a day, as was mentioned in the study arranged by SDL.

Furthermore, Boston Consulting Group stated that the annual buying power for the US millennials reaches about $1.3 trillion, that’s why marketers shouldn’t ignore this group and ways it interacts for mobile shopping and general search of information. So, the time is ripe to integrate mobile into your e-commerce business and catch this vibe.

Mobile Apps to Expand Your Business

Various platforms developed particular instrumentalities to go mobile, and if you are a happy owner of a web store built with the leading e-commerce platform Shopify, one of the easiest solutions for you to get a Shopify iOS app is EasyMobile app by NexusMedia. The app converts your web store to a fully native iOS app in minutes and is aimed to cover the diversity of sales channels available for you, as an online merchant. Moreover, such a multiplatform approach became the performance standard for web-based retailers, that’s why all enterprises shouldn’t be scared of bringing more up-to-date technology into their business operations.

Payments Via Mobile Get More Common

This aspect is also actual for offline marketers who already use NFC, the logical progression of RFID technology, which allows contactless authorized transactions for smartphones, and even storing any tickets and related bills. Major market players like Samsung, Google or Apple understand the importance of m-commerce among younger demographics in the first place.

As a result, they designed mobile devices supporting NFC to go beyond the expectations of customers. Keep in mind that Shopify collaborates with all these companies, that’s why also supports latest technologies in mobile payment and covers NFC in its POS’s as well, thus attracting more tech-wise audience.

Shopify iOS App for Your Store as Your Next Choice

It is pertinent to note that Apple Pay remains the most popular in the US commerce field, and it’s been growing by one new million users each week, as was recently reported by Business Insider. This conversion trend will remain actual for 2017, therefore, if you already have a Shopify store or plan to arrange one to expand your offline business or get the solely online solution, the platform’s iOS mobile app will be extremely useful for promotion and further transactions.

Noteworthy also is the fact provided by Wirecard, in comparison to traditional card payments, up to 50% of time expenditure can be cut when mobile wallets are used. So don’t hesitate to go Shopify mobile and offer faster processing to your clients, as this aspect is considered one of the most significant for user experience.

European mobile market is quite similar in this regard, according to the recent Visa research. The mobile device usage for payments has increased to 54%, with only 18% in 2015. Quite impressive results for just one year, aren’t they? That’s the reason why you can consider sticking to Shopify iOS app or their Android version as your farsighted solution. Another forecast shows that 75% of all transactions will be cashless by just 2025, as buyers already enjoy the benefits of customizable approach with deals tailored particularly for them.

Get innovative to expand your business and serve the needs of your customers. Go mobile. 

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