How to refine 360-degree images

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How to refine 360-degree images

You already know you can easily make rotating images with SpinStudio. But how do you make them flawless and avoid slips?

If you want to save money on a photographer and take pictures of products yourself, then this article is for you. After three minutes of reading, you can start putting these simple tips into practice.

Get a checklist for the photoshoot

For products to look neat in your Shopify store, you need to note down all the technical details: camera settings, lights, distances, and angles on the turntable. Knowing them will help to create uniformity in the catalog and simplify your job when you'll have to capture photos of some newly arrived goods. To maintain the same visual style, use a checklist during photo shoots:

Checklist for a photo shoot to create a 3D view product photography

You can download it here, and If you have several product categories that cannot be captured using the same settings, take several documents for each product type.

Create soft lighting

The best photos happen in natural light, because the light is evenly distributed. Go for soft diffusing light bulbs or softboxes. Don’t neglect this step, as the quality and beauty of the image depends on the lighting.

Here's an example of a product in hard and soft light: 

Soft and hard light comparison for spin product photography

The hard light on the right and soft - on the left

The best backdrop for your product

While a white backdrop is a solution for almost any item, you can choose any color that enhances the beauty of your product. Don’t be tied to the color of your turntable. Use double-sided tape and stick a top of any color to the turntable’s surface. Also, you can choose a top that slightly reflects your product, like an acrylic sheet.

Perfect sparkle

Sometimes, when shooting pictures, we forget important nuances that can greatly affect the result. To avoid forgetting them, let us remind you: before taking a photo, be sure you’ve polished your products. We recommend choosing a microfiber cloth for mirrors. 

For glossy products, try to reduce the reflection of other subjects in the photo. When shooting, choose clothes in neutral colors such as beige to avoid seeing yourself in the images.

Choose the number of shots

To make your product move evenly in your 360-degree photos, take at least 16 shots. The optimal number that most people choose is 18-24 frames per product. To save time, don’t take too many photos. Since you probably have more than one product, you don't want to waste time taking additional shots that will have little impact on the result. That said, creating 360 rotating images with Spin Studio takes only a couple of seconds. You just need to upload a set of product photos and your interactive image is ready! You can spend the time you saved on some quick photo editing to make your product shine in front of customers.

Edit to perfection

While editing may sound daunting, and you may be wondering how much time you have to spend processing each photo, we have great news! The entire set of product photos can be processed together. Many programs are designed for batch photo editing, like BatchPhoto, ACDSee Photo Studio, Fotor, and others. Choose the one you like the most.

Edit spinning image for Shopify store

There are only 3 main things you may want to adjust:

  • the white balance,
  • the contrast and highlights to clean up the background,
  • the image dimensions. 

Now you can be sure about your products’ appearance. They’ll shine in 360 degrees!

See you soon!
SpinStudio team


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NexusMedia team

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